“Annie was fantastic and devised a complete healing package for all the trauma and upset we were going through.”
– Crichton
“CARD READING AND HEALING WERE BRILLIANT ! I had a card reading and healing session from Annie. I found her to have a really calming effect on me and she used her dowser to ask her guides additional information to help me. Will definitely be going back! Thank you Annie”
– Beverly
“I have known and worked with Annie for a few years now. She is intuitive and sensitive and from my own experience she uses her dowsing skills to accurately confirm and give what type of healing is needed or what messages from the oracle cards are the most pertinent. I am grateful for the knowledge I have gained from knowing Annie and for the healing I have received. Thank you!”
– Joanna
“One of the best readings. I had a reading from The Crystal Whisperer and it was great. I have been feeling tired and out of energy for some time. I have found out, how can I cleanse and protect myself energetically. Everything that was coming from the cards was matching my life situation. I also received a beautiful ancestral healing which was very soothing and immediately helped me feel lighter.”
– Natalia
“Helped me at a time when I could see no solution.
– Terri
Highly Recommend.”
‘This week I was introduced by a client, with whom I share an interest in all things esoteric, to a woman who used her crystal to dowse and help me work out a few things in my life.
– Judith
As I told the crystal lady after the session, the greatest gift she helped me to fully realise for the first time ever is that I am clairesentient. I knew this, she wasn’t the first to tell me, but I didn’t believe it nearly as confidently as I do now until I amazed her with how every answer and every lead and clue I gave her were all right first time. She called me an intuitive too. I think I led the session rather more than she expected (!).
Someone in your life is lying to themselves. Is it X? Yes!
Someone in your life feels guilty. Is it Y? Yes!
There’s a possession in your life which has a spell on it that’s bad. Is it my pink handbag? Yes!
The stories got funnier and spookier and more interesting from there.
Annie dowses using the crystal and her focus is very much on health so we talked about a couple of little niggles I had, but I didn’t realise that was her expertise so I wanted to talk about other things too and she indulged me. Let’s face it – mind, body, spirit etc. How can you separate one anxiety from how it manifests in health issues and challenges, I wonder? Annie’ll know.”

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