Shamanic Healer & Card Reader

Monthly Healing &
Card Reading Packages

Patreon Packages

Tier 1: Insight (£10 per month)


  • 1 distant oracle / angel card reading per month, from the decks i’m guided to
  • Exclusive content, channelled information from my guides

Tier 2: Deep Insight or Aura Cleanse (£45 per month)


  • 1 distant oracle / angel card reading per month, from the decks i’m guided to
  • Exclusive content, channelled information from my guides
  • 1 distant shamanic pendulum card reading per month
  • or alternatively, a cleansing of your aura by clearing any negative energies. You can choose each month which service you’d like out of shamanic pendulum card reading or cleanse of your aura

Tier 3: Deep Insight, Cleanse & Shamanic Healing (£155 per month)


  • 1 distant Oracle / Angel card reading per month, from the decks i’m guided to
  • Exclusive content, channelled information from my guides
  • 1 distant shamanic pendulum card reading per month
  • 1 distant shamanic group healing session per month
