Shamanic Healer & Card Reader


“It’s the shaman who’s supposed to be dealing with the realities that are outside of day to day reality. So they’re like masters of sacred space. That’s one way of thinking about it.”

– Jordan B Peterson. From a lecture about shamanic initiation.

I’m Annie, a shamanic healer, energy healer, crystal healer, oracle / angel / shamanic card reader, dream interpreter and dowser.

I trained in the traditional way with Shamanic Practioner Jim Kunkle (NY), and I have learnt many different healing methods from my helping spirits and have completed shamanic initiation. I use a combination of healing techniques, from traditional shamanic healing, (like extraction of negative energies, soul retrieval, power retrieval, journeying, drumming), energy healing practices like chakra cleansing, crystal healing and hands on healing. I also use alchemy, magick, divination, and many more.

This healing can affect all levels; the physical body, emotional body, the mind, soul, spirit, etheric body, astral body, chakras, meridians, your environment, and much more.

You might be surprised how many physical problems can be manifestations of energetic, mental, emotional, spiritual, psychic, or environmental problems. Shamanism can help to clear what’s in the way of you being the best version of yourself and uncover and heal the root causes of your issues.

As shamanic healing deals with the spiritual & metaphysical aspects of illness, it’s hard to predict the results that will manifest emotionally, mentally or physically.

Shamanic healers work with energy, spirit guides, power animals, spiritual tools and the natural elements to help heal their clients.

I use a crystal pendulum, drumming, rattles, crystals, essential oils, sage / cedar / palo santo smudging, cards, visions, journeying, ritual, ceremony, plant medicines in metaphysical form and many other methods and tools depending on what is required in the moment for each person.

I love spirituality, mysticism and esotericism. I suspect it’s possible to attain insight into mysteries transcending ordinary human knowledge through direct communication with something benevolent and much larger than ourselves.

I was always a skeptic, but after awakening to my shamanic path, experiencing all the meaning, magick and healing that I have, and connecting to seeming other realms and guides, I’m now agnostic. Who knows what’s really going on with reality? I’ve been shown over and over that things are possible that we wouldn’t dream could be possible. I can’t deny my direct experience, and neither can my clients.

I not only entertain the possibilities of the strange world of magick and guidance from things like psychedelics, angels, guides, entities, dreams, oracle & tarot card readings, divination, dowsing, channelling, shamanism, mysticism, rituals, prayers and so on, but this is my life, this is my work. I have answered the call to adventure.

“I have known and worked with Annie for a few years now. She is intuitive and sensitive and from my own experience she uses her dowsing skills to accurately confirm and give what type of healing is needed or what messages from the oracle cards are the most pertinent. I am grateful for the knowledge I have gained from knowing Annie and for the healing I have received. Thank you!”

– Joanna
