Shamanic Healer & Card Reader

Shamanic Healing &
Healing with source

Remote Private Session / £170 / 1 Hour
Book 4 sessions and get 20% off

{Other types of sessions below.
*I don’t want money to be a barrier to healing,
so if you can’t afford these prices, email me and we will work something out}

Remote Private Shamanic Sound Healing Session / £85 / 30 Minutes

Remote Private Shamanic Healing Session with me & shamanic healer Jim Kunkle via zoom / £ price to be determined / 1 Hour

Empath Healing, Clearing, Protection & Guidance Session / £170 / 1 Hour

Remote Private Parent & Child Session / £115 / 1 Hour

Remote Private Animal Session / £95 / 1 Hour

Shaman Sickness Remote Private Healing & Guidance Session / £110 / 1 Hour

Group Sessions

  • Monthly Remote Group Healing Package For 1 Person / £270 / (2 hours a month, book & pay each month)
  • Monthly Remote Group Healing Package For 1 Person, & All Your Family & Pets Living in Your Home / £580 / (2 hours a month, book & pay each month)
  • Monthly Remote Group Healing Package For 1 Person with me & shamanic healer Jim Kunkle / £ price to be determined / (2 hours a month, book & pay each month)
  • Patreon Monthly Healing & Card Reading Packages
  • Annual Healing & Card Reading Package
  • Custom Package (for example working on 1 issue & contributing factors) / Price agreed upon after free no obligation 15 mins consultation
  • Monthly Remote Group Healing Package For 1 Person with me & shamanic healer Jim Kunkle / £ price to be determined / (2 hours a month, book & pay each month)

Sessions are conducted remotely via messaging through email, Whatsapp messages, Zoom chat, Skype chat or google chat.

Shamanic healing is a powerful way to heal the body, the mind, the emotional heart and the soul. It’s a holistic method that can help to heal physical and spiritual aspects of illness and injury.

These shamanic sessions include a huge range of methods that I’ve learnt in the traditional way of learning from another shaman, and also methods that I’ve channeled from spirit, including alchemy, magick, energy healing and lots more.

These sessions now come with a new system of healing that I’ve been working on with other shamans, spirit & source tirelessly for 6 years. It doesn’t have a name yet but it’s very much connected to working with source.

It’s aims are alignment, balance, wholeness & much more. Lots more info to come about this. And those booking sessions will have the experience and guidance that comes along with it.

Initial healing session could include: 

  • Healing any types of issues
  • Shadow work
  • Home clearing
  • Geopathic stress removal
  • Deep Cleanse
  • Negative energy removal
  • Cord cutting
  • Protection
  • Removing obstacles to divine connection
  • Establishing a deep connection to the divine & your guides
  • Increasing your intuition
  • Raising your frequency & vibration
  • Spiritual guidance – Messages from spirit and your guides
  • An assessment & clearing of any blockages you might have (mental, emotional, spiritual, ancestral, karmic etc)
  • Chakra assessment and charging, energising, opening, cleansing, activating, balancing, aligning, unblocking, reseting, smoothing of all of your chakras that are a priority for this session
  • Connect you to the source of love
  • Connect you to your guides
  • Connect you to your higher self
  • Cleansing your aura 
  • Actions & guidance to take home
  • & Lots more

    Integration of the healing will continue after the session.

    This remote healing can address needs of all kinds: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, energetic, metaphysical, psychic, environmental and lots more. Help will always go to the area of greatest need first, and will be for your highest good. Working on issues directly and anything that is indirectly contributing to the issue.

    Healing sessions can sometimes give you certain experiences and sensations for example: lots of urinating, tingling, sensing energies, fatigue, aching, heat, cold etc, this is a temporary part of the healing process.

“I have known and worked with Annie for a few years now. She is intuitive and sensitive and from my own experience she uses her dowsing skills to accurately confirm and give what type of healing is needed or what messages from the oracle cards are the most pertinent. I am grateful for the knowledge I have gained from knowing Annie and for the healing I have received. Thank you!”

– Joanna

Shamanic healing can help with:

  • Healing of trauma and issues on a physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, relationship, environment level and other aspects of life, reality and self
  • Spiritual, emotional, and mental growth
  • Increasing your intuition and creativity, so that you become more self-aware of your own needs and feelings
  • Connecting you to higher levels of consciousness where you can receive wisdom and guidance from your spirit guides
  • A sense of well-being
  • Physical issues
  • Mental issues
  • Emotional issues
  • Spiritual issues
  • Energetic issues
  • Psychic issues
  • Ancestral issues
  • Past life issues
  • Relationships (Healing & Guidance)
  • Clearing & improving home Energies
  • Geopathic stress removal
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Sleep issues / Insomnia
  • Money issues
  • Shadow work (Healing & Integrating The Shadow)
  • Confidence, self worth, self esteem
  • Illness
  • Pain
  • Stress
  • Restore energy
  • Revive the immune system
  • Release & balance emotions
  • Empath cleansing & protection
  • Starseed / indigo child healing & support
  • Negative Energy Removal
  • Cord Cutting & Protection
  • Emotional & mental strength & courage
  • Help with negative & limiting thoughts
  • Increased clarity
  • Increased intuition
  • Healing the past
  • Deep cleanse & purification
  • Opening the heart
  • Chakra cleanse & balance
  • Sealing the aura
  • Animal healing
  • Addictions
  • Obsessions
  • Phobias
  • Habits
  • Burn out
  • Chronic Fatigue syndrome
  • Adrenal fatigue
  • PMS / PMDD / PeriMenopause / Menopause Symptoms
  • Deeply connecting with all your guides
  • Deeply connecting with all aspects of your being
  • Empowerment
  • Rebalance the nervous system
  • Shaman sickness
  • Surrender healing
  • Soul & power retrievals
  • Releasing limiting beliefs
  • Spiritual development
  • Shamanic Home Clearing
  • Shamanic Dreamtime Clearing & Healing
  • And lots more

*I don’t want money to be a barrier to healing,
so if you can’t afford these prices, email me and we will work something out
