Shamanic Healing
Free Shamanic Energy Session With Email Subscription
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Free No-Obligation Consultation / 15 Minutes
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Shamanic Healing Remote Group Session
/ 45 Minutes / £30 / Book here ▷▷▷
Shamanic Healing Remote Private Session
/ 45 Minutes / £60 / Book here ▷▷▷
Shamanic Healing, Alchemy & Energy Healing Remote Private Session / 1 Hour / £130
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Sacred Healing & Awakening System © Session / 1 Hour 30 Mins / £250
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Monthly Packages / Find out more ▷▷▷
Sacred Healing & Awakening Programme © / Find out more ▷▷▷
Book 4 sessions and get 25% off
{*I don’t want money to be a barrier to healing,
so if you can’t afford these prices, email me and we will work something out}
Mental, Emotional,
Physical & Spiritual Transformation,
Release & Support
Shamanic Healing
Shamanic healing is a powerful way to heal the body, the mind, the emotional heart and the soul. It’s a holistic method that can help to heal physical and spiritual aspects of illness and injury.
These shamanic sessions include a huge range of methods that I’ve learnt in the traditional way of learning from another shaman, and also methods that I’ve channeled from spirit, including alchemy, magick, energy healing and lots more.
Every shamanic healer is unique, they bring their own energies, intuitions, experience and skills etc to the practice. Use discernment and your own intuition or experimentation to find a practitioner that resonates with you.
This remote healing can address needs of all kinds: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, energetic, metaphysical, psychic, environmental and lots more. Help will always go to the area of greatest need first, and will be for your highest good. Working on the sources of issues directly and anything that is indirectly contributing to the issue.
Everything we do in these sessions are under the laws of grace.
I will hold high frequency, grounding space for your healing up until the session.
Make sure you’re comfortable and in a place you won’t be disturbed for the session. It helps to sit outside when we do the work as there seems to be a stronger connection to spirit when we’re in nature and in the sun light / moon light / star light.
Experiences like tingling, sensing energies, fatigue, aching, heat, cold etc can be a temporary part of the healing process. Stay hydrated, and allow yourself some space and time to integrate the healing.
Remote / distant sessions {phone call, video call, email or messaging apps}
“True alchemy is a discipline involving physical, psychological and spiritual work aimed at producing wholeness and enlightenment.” by Cherry Gilchrist (Author of Alchemy–The Great Work: A History and Evaluation of the Western Hermetic Tradition).
Alchemy to me is a kind of magickal chemistry; connecting with energies, transmuting energies, mixing energies, mixing ingredients, following rituals. I use alchemy and shamanism to heal and transmute energies within us.
Energy Healing
Using various methods: crystal energy healing, healing with love energy, healing with light, with positive energies, and more to heal, clear and balance.
Shamanism, Alchemy & Energy Healing can help with:
- A sense of well-being
- Addictions
- Adrenal fatigue
- Ancestral issues
- Animal healing
- Anxiety
- Aura Cleansing
- Burn out
- Chakra cleansing, charging, energising, opening, cleansing, activating, balancing, aligning, unblocking, resetting, smoothing
- Chronic Fatigue syndrome
- Shamanic clearing & improving home energies
- Clearing blockages (mental, emotional, spiritual, ancestral, karmic etc)
- Confidence, self worth, self esteem
- Establishing a deep connection to the divine, your spirit guides, your higher self, your complete being, the source of love and to higher levels of consciousness where you can receive wisdom, guidance and healing
- Cord cutting
- Deep cleanse & purification
- Depression
- Emotional & mental strength & courage
- Empath cleansing & protection
- Empowerment
- Energetic issues
- Geopathic stress removal
- Habits
- Healing of trauma and issues on a physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, relationship, environment level and other aspects of life, reality and self. Any types of issues
- Healing the past
- Help with negative & limiting thoughts
- Illness
- Increased clarity
- Increasing your intuition and creativity, so that you become more self-aware of your own needs and feelings
- Money issues
- Negative energy removal
- Obsessions
- Opening the heart
- Pain
- Past life issues
- Phobias
- PMS / PMDD / PeriMenopause / Menopause Symptoms
- Raising your frequency & vibration
- Rebalance the nervous system
- Relationships (Healing & Guidance)
- Release & balance emotions
- Releasing limiting beliefs
- Removing obstacles to divine connection
- Restore energy
- Revive the immune system
- Sealing the aura
- Shadow work (Healing & Integrating The Shadow)
- Shaman sickness
- Shamanic Dreamtime Clearing & Healing
- Sleep issues / Insomnia
- Soul & power retrievals
- Spiritual development
- Spiritual guidance – Messages from spirit and your guides
- Spiritual Protection
- Spiritual, emotional, and mental growth
- Starseed / indigo child healing & support
- Stress
- Surrender healing
- & Lots more
“I have known and worked with Annie for a few years now. She is intuitive and sensitive and from my own experience she uses her dowsing skills to accurately confirm and give what type of healing is needed or what messages from the oracle cards are the most pertinent. I am grateful for the knowledge I have gained from knowing Annie and for the healing I have received. Thank you!” – JOANNA
I will soon be introducing a new system of healing that I’ve been working on with other shamans, spirit & source tirelessly since 2018. It doesn’t have a name yet but it’s very much connected to working with source.
It’s aims are alignment, balance, wholeness & much more. More info to come.
Email: annie@thecrystalwhisperer.co.uk
Instagram: @the.crystal.whisperer
Facebook: The Crystal Whisperer Healer
X: DivinationGuide
Any information or healing you receive from me is not a substitute for any medical treatments, diagnosis, therapy or counselling for any medical or psychological condition. For such issues, you should seek the proper licensed doctor, therapist, counsellor or healthcare professional. I recommend that clients continue to see their regular medical doctors and follow their advice and my work is a complement to regular medicine.
My spiritual energy work assists people in correcting energetic imbalances in their energy field. I do not make any promises, warranties or guarantees about results of my energy sessions. The energy sessions help many people but like any modality it likely won’t work for everyone.
Use your intuition, wisdom, discernment, and common sense about the information and healing you receive. If you use any of the information provided for yourself or others; you assume full responsibility for your understanding of it, any actions taken, and the resulting consequences. All sessions are treated in confidence.