Sacred Healing & Awakening
Programme ©
For 1 Person {Beta Version} / 1-2 years / £5,000
This programme includes every service and method I can offer and anything new that comes into the sessions. Including methods such as shamanism, energy healing, alchemy, chi gung energy healing, feng shui energy healing, geopathic stress removal, yuen method, quantum hypnosis and much more. I’ve been working on this programme {which includes the Sacred Healing System, card readings, guidance and more} with other shamans and great spirit tirelessly since 2018.
This includes everything I can do to help you on every level. For all aspects of your being, all aspects of your life, your relationships, your home, your past lives, your ancestors and much more.
It aims to get to the root of all unbalance and misalignment, clear all that’s not serving you, empower you, provide spiritual protection, look at how many soul and power retrievals you need in total, and work on those until complete and much more. Working on levels such as: Mental, emotional, physical, psychic, ancestral, karmic, astral & much more.
The programme is customised to your needs and wants, and we’ll keep working together until the programme is complete. After integration of the programme, there might be need for maintenance sessions.
More info coming soon.
What’s Included:
• 1 group session call a week (sessions on full moon or new moon when possible)
• 2 oracle or shamanic card readings a month
• 1 Private session call a month where you can receive healing, messages, guidance and more
• Guidance from great spirit on areas of your life & issues
• Working with other healers and shaman guests that I bring into the calls when needed
• Check list measuring how grounded you are etc
• Email support
• Holding high frequency space for you for the whole programme
• A list of other professionals who can help in different ways, recommended by us and guides / spirit
Book a free no-obligation consultation 20-30 mins call, to see if the programme is suited to your needs.
Email: annie@thecrystalwhisperer.co.ukInstagram: @the.crystal.whisperer
Facebook: The Crystal Whisperer Healer
X: DivinationGuide
Any information or healing you receive from me is not a substitute for any medical treatments, diagnosis, therapy or counselling for any medical or psychological condition. For such issues, you should seek the proper licensed doctor, therapist, counsellor or healthcare professional. I recommend that clients continue to see their regular medical doctors and follow their advice and my work is a complement to regular medicine.
My spiritual energy work assists people in correcting energetic imbalances in their energy field. I do not make any promises, warranties or guarantees about results of my energy sessions. The energy sessions help many people but like any modality it likely won’t work for everyone.
Use your intuition, wisdom, discernment, and common sense about the information and healing you receive. If you use any of the information provided for yourself or others; you assume full responsibility for your understanding of it, any actions taken, and the resulting consequences. All sessions are treated in confidence.