Healing & Integrating The Shadow
1 hour session / £130
In these sessions, using shamanic and other energy healing techniques, I can support you in healing and integrating aspects of your shadow.
“Psychologist Carl Jung had a deep interest in the shadow – its form and content – and in the process of assimilating it. He saw quite clearly that failure to recognise, acknowledge and deal with our shadow elements is often the root of problems between individuals and within groups and organisations. Becoming familiar with the shadow aspects of ourselves, the parts of us of that we deem unacceptable in one way or another, is an essential part of the therapeutic relationship, of individuation and becoming more balanced and more whole.” – https://shorturl.at/5D0ne
“With effort the shadow can be somewhat assimilated into the conscious personality, but portions of it are highly resistant to moral control. Portions of the shadow have a transpersonal power to them, a power beyond what most people can imagine. Most people, Jung thought, do not try to be aware of their shadow. Yet the shadow had great creative power. As a result of not being in touch with our shadow aspects of our psyche, we tend to project those thoughts, feelings, or emotions onto other people. By projecting them onto other people and not identifying with them and not saying “this is me that acts this way and feels these things”, the shadow can take on a life of its own and make us no longer approaching situations realistically. We also lose the creativity contained in the images and energies of the shadow… Jung’s therapy tried to help people integrate their shadow aspects in ways that were creative and not destructive.” – https://shorturl.at/5D0ne
Remote Sessions.
*I don’t want money to be a barrier to healing, so if you can’t afford these prices, email me and we will work something out.
Email: annie@thecrystalwhisperer.co.ukInstagram: @the.crystal.whisperer
Facebook: The Crystal Whisperer Healer
X: DivinationGuide
Any information or healing you receive from me is not a substitute for any medical treatments, diagnosis, therapy or counselling for any medical or psychological condition. For such issues, you should seek the proper licensed doctor, therapist, counsellor or healthcare professional. I recommend that clients continue to see their regular medical doctors and follow their advice and my work is a complement to regular medicine.
My spiritual energy work assists people in correcting energetic imbalances in their energy field. I do not make any promises, warranties or guarantees about results of my energy sessions. The energy sessions help many people but like any modality it likely won’t work for everyone.
Use your intuition, wisdom, discernment, and common sense about the information and healing you receive. If you use any of the information provided for yourself or others; you assume full responsibility for your understanding of it, any actions taken, and the resulting consequences. All sessions are treated in confidence.